How to get a DENTPIN Number

DENTal Personal Identifier Number is a unique that helps protect your personal identifying information.
It replaces the use of Social Security Numbers, Reference Numbers for the dental testing, application and education systems.
If you have previously taken or applied to take any dental exam, or if you are a licensed dentist or dental hygienist in the U.S., you already have a DENTPIN please do not register for another.
follow the below steps to get a DENTPIN Number.
Step 1:
Clink on the link and then click on sign in button.

Step 2:
Click on the link as shown in the image which will lead you to options to fill your personal details.

Step 3:
Fill the Personal Information and contact information.

After filling the details, click on the Continue button.
Step 4:
Here you have to fill the Security Information, after that click on the submit button.

After submiting your information you will get your DENTPIN Number.
Check your Personal Information and Contact Information and then click on the OK button.

For the conformation just Login once with DENTPIN and Password.

Here you will see your DENTPIN Number and your Name as shown in the below image.

Updated Aug 17, 2022.