Is INBDE Exam Pass or Fail Exam? - INBDE Pass Rate

If you are an international dentist or dental student and want to attain a license to practice dentistry in the US, you must crack the INBDE. Do you know if INBDE is a fail or pass type examination, or what is the INBDE pass rate?

INBDE - For International Dentists and Dental Students

The INBDE is the new examination that has replaced the NBDE Part -1 and Part 2 for gaining dental licensure in the United States.

INBDE, Integrated National Board of Dental Examination, is particularly designed to emphasize on synthesis and understanding of clinical concepts of international dentists and dental graduates through the integration of dental and basic sciences.

Is INBDE a Pass or Fail Exam?

Yes, INBDE is a pass or fail type exam. It is scored on a scale of 49-99, where a score of 75 or above is considered a passing score.

Applicants who pass the exam don’t get any numeric score, while those who fail to crack the exam get a report mentioning their topic-wise performance for remediation purposes.

Since not many sources cover the information about the new INBDE written examination, applicants often find themselves in a confusing situation.

If you want to find out in detail about the structure of the INBDE exam or about its syllabus, click here.

What if I fail the INBDE Exam?

The INBDE Exam can be cleared by only those who are sincere with their preparations as it is a highly challenging exam that is hard to crack.

After giving the INBDE Exam, when you finally get the result but find out you failed, the situation can be devastating and disappointing for many.

But that’s not how you can crack the INBDE exam in the next attempt. Rather, follow these steps -

  • Tackle the Failure
Skip the repenting part and try to organize your mind with a positive approach for the next attempt.
  • Take note of where you went wrong
Analyze the study material you used and check if the questions in the exam were actually present in the books or other material you used for preparations. If it isn’t present, think about finding a new source to buy learning content.
  • Find Great Learning Content and Create a Schedule

Do thorough research to find the best preparation content for INBDE that covers the complete syllabus. Then draft a study schedule under the guidance of an expert faculty.

For this purpose, Meriters is the best platform to find excellent learning content for INBDE. But how?

MERITERS - The Most Reliable Study Platform for INBDE Applicants

We are the most trusted platform for INBDE applicants to prepare for the exam under the continuous guidance of experienced faculty.

Our comprehensive learning content is designed in a way to support easy understanding of all the topics that form the syllabus of the INBDE exam.

Have a doubt? Students can also connect with expert faculty to get answers to their queries and boost their preparations in the perfect manner.

Crack the INBDE Exam in the first go with our outstanding learning content created by leading experts in the industry.

Contact Meriters to start preparing for your INBDE Exam now.

Updated Aug 17, 2022.